Elected Officials:
Mayor: John Starzynski
Council Members:
Dale Parrett
David Solander
Howard Fredrickson
Martha Haight
Brian White
Ronald Zahorik
Appointed Officials:
Mayor Pro Tem: Ron Zahorik
Fire Dept. Liaison: Dale Parrett
City Clerk: Karma Tessmer
Deputy Clerk/Deputy Treasurer: Jody Monette
Treasurer/Deputy Clerk: Karen Gardiner
Assessor: Leon R. Felch (Miscauno Tax Assessing, LLC)
Street Administrator: Dale Parrett
Fire Chief: Rick Bastien
Asst. Fire Chiefs: Brian White, Ken Marklein
Mid-County Rescue Squad Liaison: John Starzynski
Police Chief: Contracted to
Menominee County Sheriff’s Office
Attorney: Jacob D. Lynch
Charter Commission Attorney: Peter Letzmann
Building Inspector/Code Official: Alphonse Oczus, Jr.
Supt. Of Public Works: Jordan Belec
Public Works Employees: Jordan Belec; Gage Larson; Steve Schmidt
Zoning Administrator: Lowell Bengry
911 Governing Board: John Starzynski, Howard Fredrickson; Alternate, Rick Bastien; Fire Dept
Committee Appointments:
Budget: Ronald Zahorik (Chair), Mayor John Starzynski, Howard Fredrickson
Technology/Communications/Security: Dave Solander (Chair), Martha Haight, Brian White
Finance: Ronald Zahorik, (Chair), Dale Parrett, Dave Solander
Industrial Park: Howard Fredrickson (Chair), Brian White, Ronald Zahorik
Insurance, Health & Property: Martha Haight (Chair), Howard Fredrickson, Brian White
Parks: Howard Fredrickson (Chair), Dale Parrett, Brian White
Personnel: Martha Haight (Chair), Dale Parrett, Howard Fredrickson
Streets: Dale Parrett (Chair), Dave Solander, Martha Haight
Utilities: Dave Solander (Chair), Dale Parrett, Ron Zahorik
Master Plan Commission: Mayor and all Council Members